Saturday 19 February 2011

Time lapse video, equestrian artist, horse painting

I have a friend who is an equine artist ie she creates amazing horse paintings. For a bit of fun one day she decided to create a time lapse video of her painting. This is pretty cool because she has captured about 20 hours of painting by setting up her camera on a tripod and setting it to take photographs for the duration of the painting.

These photos are then loaded onto the computer and some software processes them to create the time laspe.

Below are two of her videos if you have time to have a look. Her talent really is incredible.

Winter Beach Polo, Time lapse painting

In Passing, time lapse video

Friday 18 February 2011

Nokia N8 film- The Commuter- Ed Westwick, Pamela Anderson, Dev Patel

The best Smartphone camera. Fact.
That's what Nokia says of its HD handset the N8.
For all the techie information look at Nokia N8 Technical Info

To prove its worth the Nokia N8 was used entirely to shoot a film titled 'The Commuter' featuring the very delicious Ed Westwick (Gossip Girl's Chuck Bass), Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire and Pamela Anderson of former Baywatch fame.

Take a look and see for yourself the HD quality results that you can get from the Nokia N8 phone.

Thursday 17 February 2011

What videos do you like and why?

If you have any funny video clips you share from youtube please feel free to leave me a comment with it and say what it is you like about it. I'd be interested to know what kind of content you enjoy, keeping it clean of course!

How to get started creating videos

Making videos needn't involve an internship at Warner Brothers, Universal Pictures and the like or endless hours spent on google researching what the best camera is... you can get started with something as simple as a mobile phone as long as it has a camera feature.
The majority of phones on sale in your local mobile phone shop will likely feature a camera (with varying degrees of quality) and that is all you need to capture moments and share them with friends, family and the wider world.

This blog will look at various reasons why you might want to take video as well as the wider picture on the subject. Along the way I will be throwing in video clips to show examples. For now I will leave you with a funny but seasonal one I was sign-posted to on Facebook! Enjoy!